Selecting appropriate non-stereotypical resources:
Article on teaching about Africa: “I didn’t know there were cities in Africa!”
Reviews of books for children about Africa: Africa Access Review
Science TV show for African children: Ngen (pronounced Engine) TV Africa
Online resources for Social Studies:
Game to try with your students: U.S. Africa Connections Bingo Game
MSU Exploring Africa Module: Exploring Families and Communities in Africa
Materials from Boston University: Using Visuals to Teach about Africa
Online Resources for African Art
Ackland Art Museum: Arts of Asia and Africa pre and post visit materials
NC Art Museum: Textile weaving lesson plans and Masks
African Artists’ Foundation in Lagos, Nigeria: African artists foundation
Online Resources for African Music
Not African music, but some examples of plans by NC teachers: Worldview Materials
Smithsonian lesson plan: Nigerian flute music
Smithsonian lesson plan: Ugandan music
Boston University African Studies Center: Music Resources