
Pertencendo a qualquer lugar, mas a lugar nenhum (Belonging anywhere but nowhere at all) | 2020
Menina na água (Girl in the water) | 2020
Procurando um lugar para pertencer (Searching for a place to belong) | 2020
Procurando nas águas (Searching the waters) | 2020
Brincando nas águas (Playing in the waters) | 2020
Procurando au lar (Looking for home)| 2020
Muito estrangeiro para au lar (Too foreign for home) | 2020
Menina deslocada (displaced girl) | 2020
Observando as marés (Watching the tides) | 2020
Menina na água II (Girl in the water II) | 2020
Existing in the Shadow - installation view
Existing in the Shadow – installation view
Existing in the Shadow - installation view
Existing in the Shadow – installation view